
Creation by God, or evolution...
from nothing?

  • Age Group

    For Teens and Adults aged 12-112

  • Number of pages


  • Languages

    English and Afrikaans

In September 2011, I had a clear, personal conviction to write a book on this subject, specifically focused on teenagers and adults who don’t necessarily have a scientific background. This is the first full-color, illustrated, comprehensive book on creation science in South Africa,  specifically written for the non-scientist. The subject is comprehensive & include  Biology, Geology, The Flood Model, Cosmology, Radiometric dating, Intelligent Design, etc. The book was reviewed by amongst others, Prof Walter Veith, former head of Zoology Western Cape University, Dr Hennie Mouton, former Associate Professor at UCT &  Prof Andy McIntosh, Retired Research Professor, University of Leeds. Their reviews can be read below. More reviews are available on the back cover of the book. It is my sincere hope and prayer that the Creation message will equip the reader with uncompromised faith in the truth of Creation, the Creator & His infallible Word. My DVD series (English & Afrikaans) based on this book can be viewed online by clicking on ‘YouTube’. To order click ‘Buy’.


Prof Walter Veith

Author and Retired Professor of Medical Bioscience and former Head of the Department of Zoology of UWC

“This book offers a practical, refreshing and insightful look at the evolution-creation debate and will provide food for thought for even the most ardent supporter of the phylogenetic approach to origins. Nicolene has succeeded in highlighting the issues that make this debate even more relevant in our time in spite of the almost superhuman efforts by the evolutionary camp to sell their concept to the world via every available media. Origin by design cannot and will not be laid to rest as the evidence for design is so overwhelming that even hardened atheists have to acknowledge it though they will not allow a ‘Divine foot in the door.’ Interlaced with humour, Nicolene has presented the facts from the molecular to the organismic level in a simple yet profound manner so that young and old may benefit. It is my hope that the readers will allow the evidence to speak for itself and I urge them to lay aside the prejudices which modern society and the scientific fraternity have infused into the human psyche so the facts may speak for themselves.

Dr Hennie Mouton

Associate Professor, (UCT), B Eng (UP), BSc (UNISA), B Eng Hons (UP), M Eng (UP), PhD Eng (NWU)

”In an interesting manner yet easily understandable, plain language, Nicolene succeeded in sorting out the matter of creation versus evolution in many different fields. Not only is the evolutionary deception and lies made clear, but the truth of Creation by the Creator-God of the Bible shows how the Bible-believing Christian in no way need to veer away from science, but rather how strong confirmation thereof can be found in Biblical truths. The Creator can indeed be seen in His creation.”

Prof Any McIntosh

Retired Research Professor, University of Leeds

“Creation by God …..” is an excellent resource and goes into considerable detail in all the main areas that evolutionary philosophy has influenced such as Astronomy, Geology, Biology … Where Nicolene scores is detailing the major arguments in an accessible way where young people fresh to the subject of origins can easily understand.”



Creation to re-creation

  • Age Group

    Elementary school children (aged 12 & under) & their parents

  • Number of pages


  • Languages

    English and Afrikaans

Several people have inquired about the possibility of a book for younger children. It is therefore with great excitement that I was able to publish this book in 2019. The content is specifically aimed at our elementary (primary) school children, while parents can read and explain the content to younger children as well. The amazing account of Creation, Destruction and Redemption is illustrated in a colorful manner, while the children are introduced to various scientific terms and principles. This book was also reviewed by Prof Walter Veith as well as Eben de Jager. Their reviews can be read below. A brand new DVD series (English and Afrikaans) based on this book is now available. It can be ordered by clicking on ‘Buy’ or viewed online by clicking ‘Youtube’. 


Prof Walter Veith

Author and Retired Professor of Medical Bioscience and former Head of the Department of Zoology of UWC

“Why a new book for children on the evolution creation debate by Nicolene Filmalter when her previous book, ‘Creation by God or evolution from nothing?’ already contains so much valuable information? Young minds are influenced in their formative years by the prevailing philosophies of the day and the evolutionary paradigm is implanted in these minds by every conceivable means, particularly by the media and the education systems of the world. A distrust in the veracity of God’s Word is nurtured from an early age and the character of God is misrepresented and for these reasons, it is imperative that the record be set straight. This timely book is not only well written, but will provide precisely the antidote needed to face this challenge. It is a privilege to recommend it.”

Eben de Jager

Former Pastor and Public Speaker

“It is rare to find a book written for youngsters in which the parents can also learn something new on almost every page. ‘Creation to re-creation’ is such a work, answering common questions on Creation, the Fall, the Flood and redemption in simple terms that children can easily understand. My sons Jovàn (10) and Elian (8) were riveted by the book and I have heard them use arguments from it when discussing dinosaurs with their friends. The book also addresses the fallacy of evolution while remaining true to scientific principle and shows that Genesis 1-11 is not myth, as many Theologians claim it to be, but can reasonably be accounted for when studying nature; cosmic, geographic, human and divine. It is biblically sound and creatively interweaves the physical and the spiritual to create a beautiful tapestry of a loving God. It is often said: ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’. Never has it been truer than in this case. ‘Creation to re-creation’ has cover-to-cover fascinating facts, builds your faith and punches way beyond its weight!”